Wednesday, January 6, 2016

100th Day of School Super Hero

Here’s the 100th Day of School Super Hero: 
100th Day of School Super Hero Mask and Activities - Teacher Ink
O.M.G.  So cute.

Honestly, I thought that I looked pretty darn cute in my 100th day mask…but it really does belong on a kid.

It’s all about the kids.  They’re 100 days smarter, wiser, kinder, and richer in humanity (thanks to their 100 days of school).  The 100th day mask is a fun way for them to feel even deeper; the pride, the power and the glory of a great education.  

OK, teachers, we deserve one, too!

In my class, we make these masks first thing on the 100th day.  That way the kids can enjoy wearing them.  They can enjoy laughing for hours at how cool they—and their friends—all look. 

They flip 'em up like a visor for our serious academic activities (smile).  And yes, they do smile, big time—for as long as those masks are on.

I want my kids to feel super-special, so I put a lot of thought into creating the masks, and even made a photo tutorial to help kids make them just right.

If you’d like the template for this 100th day super hero mask, and a blizzard of super-creative activities to celebrate your 100th day of school, and for many days afterwards, it’s here.  I hope you have a wonderful 100th day!

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