Monday, December 28, 2015

20 Nice Things for Kids to Say

New Year’s Resolutions are stacking up.  A really good one is: I will say kind words.

Sometimes we forget to say kind words, even if we’re thinking them.  And kids have to be taught how to put their thoughts into words.  Here are some kind words kids might say:

1)       I like you!
2)      You’re a good friend!
3)      Would you like to share my...?
4)      You’re a great artist/writer/dancer/scientist/mathematician!
5)      I love to watch you think!
6)      You’re funny!  
7)      You make me laugh in a nice way!
8)      I love your smile!
9)      I love your sense of style!
10)   You have a great laugh!
11)   You’re beautiful!
12)   Thanks for listening to me!
13)   You’re so nice!
14)   You just made my day!
15)   I like you just the way you are!
16)   You’re really special!
17)   You can do it!
18)   Everything’s going to be OK!
19)   Can I help you?
20)   Thank you for…

It’s amazing how much impact we can have, simply by saying kind words to someone.  Watch, and you'll see their face and body language light up in an instant.

The important thing is, to speak the truth!  Really look at people.  Really notice good things about them, and then say them.

It becomes a beautiful exchange when they notice good things about you, too—and then say them out loud.

If you’d like to help kids think about saying kind words, you might like to use the sheet above.  It’s part of a New Year’s Fun Package that includes a Keepsake Book of Resolutions, as well as a New Year’s Mini Book, party hat, song, and a Chinese New Year Bundle of goodies—Chinese Flying Dragon Craft, anyone?  Your spirit flies like a dragon--really!

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