Thursday, September 19, 2019

Today's a Palindrome! Same Numbers Backward and Forward

YAY!  Today's a Palindrome!
 Today's a Palindrome! Same Numbers Backward and Forward
It's the same numbers, backward and forward.

It's 9-19-19.
That's 91-91-9 backward.

A palindrome doesn't come along every day, so let's celebrate!

Share it, Sing it, or even better: Rap it and Dance it!
This is my go-to, all-purpose Math-love in a Rap Song. You can rap about whatever math-stuff you like in the verses.  Sing a line and have kids repeat it.  

My Palindrome Rap would go:

a palindrome
It's the same
Comin' 'n goin'

9 - 19 - 19
9 - 19 - 19
Math buffs sing it
Or rap it in time

Then then sing the melodic refrain that goes:

Rap, rap your math
Wrap it up, so you can clear your path!

Vamping is a non-negotiable, to get kids in the mood...for more math, of course.


When's the next Math Palindrome Day?  OK, I'll give you this one.  It's 02-22-20.

When's the next-next one?  Hmmmm.  You tell me.

Want more math palindromes?  Like, every day?
Watch your digital clock!  You'll see 12:21 and 11:11.  Of course, repeating numbers make a palindrome, too.

Where in the world can you find more number palindromes?


So...exactly what is a palindrome? 

It's any word, phrase, number, or sequence, that reads the same backward or forward.  Like...Mom; Amore, Roma; or "yay"--my first word in this post.

Yes, you ignore spaces, capitals, and punctuation.

Most famous palindrome:
A man, a plan, a canal--Panama!

My favorite palindromes, starting with kindergarten phrases, then math, civics, and devolving into pure zaniness.

Was it a rat I saw?
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Stack cats!
Yo! Banana Boy!
Never odd or even
Rise to vote, sir
Live not on evil
Do geese see God?
Taco cat
Party boobytrap
no cab, no tuna nut on bacon!
Go Hang a Salami! I'm a Lasagna Hog! 

That last one--which everyone can identify with--is Jon Agee's title for his book on palindromes.

What's your favorite palindrome?  Let me know in your comment below.

But above all, enjoy your day--backward and forward!

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