Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Days of Kindergarten: 7 Big Tips

Are you a new kindergarten teacher?  Here are 7 tips to prepare for your first day of kindergarten.
If your have time and insight, you’ll see there are hundreds of things to prepare.   In my experience, this is the bare minimum that must get done before the first day of school:


1)    Clean the desks and chairs and arrange them in clusters within view of the meeting area.  You want to make a good first impression that kindergarten will be pleasant and organized.

2)    Place a high-interest book on every desk for the kids to sit and read first thing.  This will buy time to ensure everyone is settled, and to take attendance.  Place an extra book basket on each cluster of desks.

3)    Have a list of the class names to check off as kids arrive, and write name tags beforehand, if possible.  Write kids' first and last names as well as your class on the tags.

4)    Place name tags out on the desks before the children arrive.  Place them boy and then girl; and if you know certain kids will need extra attention, place them up front, closer to the meeting area.  Have extra name tags for new admits.
 5)    Prepare paper for children to write on, 30 pencils and 12 boxes of crayons in case they don’t bring their own.  These will be used a bit later on the first day.

6)    Prepare to talk about rules: classroom, bathroom, lunchroom and line-up.  It helps to have visual posters about each of these.  
Maybe the most important rule is to always show kindness and respect.  That's the glue that holds the world together, and you can tell the kids that kindergarten will be a "kinder-garten!"

If you'd like this Let's Build a "Kinder" Garten poster, it's here and it's free.
7)    Have a fun book to read to the class, and questions for discussion.  Also, a few short songs to teach, and extra activities ready to go, in case you have extra time to fill.  And, of course, a super-kid award to send your kids home with a smile.


Here are some tips for those first few minutes when you meet your kindergarten kids:

1)       Smile!  Yes, smile.  Not a fake beauty pageant kind, but a warm, genuine smile that comes from your deepest core.  The place that remembers what it’s like to be 5, and scared, shy and nervous.

2)       Greet each parent at the door, if that’s possible.  Say your name, and give a warm handshake.  Make them feel like they're joining your family.  They are!

3)       Ask the child, “Who are you?”  Then find the name on your clipboard sheet.  Ask the parents to check the spelling and correct it.  Ask if they prefer a nickname, and possibly if the child speaks English.

4)       Ask the parent to come in and check the posters on the wall, and then help their child find their seat (I have placed the name tags out on each desk: boy, then girl), and to read a book.  I have one book on each desk, and a basket of extra high-interest books in the center of each table.

5)       Needless to say: NO cutting, gluing, toys, or even coloring—nuthin’ honey, till you’ve talked about rules!

6)       I hang 3 posters for the parents.  The first tells when and where the dismissal is—for today and tomorrow.

7)       The second poster asks parents to help seat their child, put on their name tag, and have them read a book till we’re ready.  And meanwhile, they can place on their child’s desk ONLY these supplies, in order from largest on the bottom—if they have them—4 folders, 3 marble notebooks, a pencil case with 5 sharp pencils, a crayon box and 1 large eraser.  This way I can see who still needs to bring supplies.  The second poster also directs parents to place any extra personal supplies (extra pencils, crayons, and sharpener) in the child’s book bag.  
 8)   The third poster requests—if they can—to please help put the shared class supplies into the right bin in the rear of the room.

9)   I have baskets, tubs and even large clean garbage bags (for all the paper towel rolls), one for each type of supply that parents send, such as markers, post-its, glue, and tissues.

10)   When all the kids have trickled in, give parents a friendly, “2 minutes, and we’ll ask you to go” heads up. 

11)   Meanwhile, take care of those last few things that MUST be done.  Make sure every child has a name tag, and take last minute attendance.  The school office may ask for a list of how many kids have showed up, as well as the names of your “no-shows.” 

12)   If a parent has a letter for you or money (for Scholastic News or the like), place it in a basket under your desk for safe-keeping.

13)   You can thank the parents for helping, then say, “It’s time to say good-bye, so we can begin!”  Remind parents to pick up their child, where and when.

14)   Usually, a principal will allow parents to stay for the first few minutes of kindergarten.  If not, please ask your principal if you could have a teacher aide help for those first few minutes.  If no one is helping, you can lead the kids straight into the room; have them wait at the meeting area.  Call each child in turn, and show them where you’ve placed their name tag.  Have each child in turn sit, put on their name tag and read a book till everyone is accounted for. 

The first day of kindergarten will be memorable.  Most important is safety.  You want to set a tone of calm and orderliness.  

Equally important is setting a tone of expectation, that kindergarten will be fun and wonderful.

Are you a new kindergarten teacher?   Welcome to the club!   I’ve helped many teachers settle into kindergarten, and it would be my pleasure to help you, too.  
For more essentials to prepare, you might like this First Days of Kindergarten Teacher’s Kit.  It includes all you needbefore, during and after, that crucial first day.   

You’ll find teacher scripts, lessons, posters, printables and tips...charts, photos, AND how to teach school rules and bathroom rules—compiled by a long-term kindergarten teacher.

Want a bigger package?  Please take a look at the Creative Kindergarten Ultra-Bundle.


With preparation, you can have that calm and confident first day of kindergarten you've imagined!

I'll be thinking of you and wishing you all the best,

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kindergarten Teachers Sale

Kindergarten teachers - it's a back to school sale:
Not just any ol' sale -- a MASSIVE sale. 
If you're a new kindergarten teacher, please consider this:
The Kindergarten Creative ULTRA-Bundle will be deeply discounted -- but for one day ONLY.
Would you love to be CALM and CONFIDENT on your first days of school—and all year?  The Kindergarten Kit includes a step-by-step guide for setting up your class, with teacher scripts, lessons, posters, printables and tips. 

For over twenty years, I've helped kindergarten teachers set up their classes, and now it's my pleasure to help you!
You'll absolutely ROCK your observation lessons with this Teacher Evaluation Guide. The Perfect Lesson Plan includes checklists, charts, cheat-sheets, tips, scripts, posters, printables, lesson plans and lesson plan templates for expert Danielson teacher evaluations.
Does the very THOUGHT of wild-child behavior make you weak in the knees?  You'll find that behavior management is suddenly easier, with a creative approach.   

At every step, I start with the essential skills, for no-stress Behavior Management 101. Then I show you how to infuse these with respectful fun, so they come alive in your classroom.  It's the "ahhh" method.

And, for the days you're absent, NO WORRIES!  This Substitute Kit will make it effortless to set up set up a comprehensive sub binder, with generic lessons that will last you an entire year.

The sub kit also works as a refresher course for yourself: what to say and do during the entire school day, and during special events such as trips, parties, and assembly shows.

The Kindergarten Creative ULTRA-Bundle includes ALL of this: 
...AND this:
...A MEGA Bundle of creative Kindergarten Resources that you will use all year.

If you've been sitting on the fence, now's the time to jump in. 

This gigantonormous treasure chest would be a booster shot to your teaching life at any time of the year, but please don't wait.  

Wouldn't you like that leg-up -- like, ASAP?  Like, via instant brain-chip implant?  (Sorry, not available!)

The final straw: The Kindergarten Ultra is an Ultra Bargain -- it's  nearly 50% off -- but only today.  

In fact, the price will never be this low again, as the introductory prices will go up after the Back to School.  So please take a look, and see if the bundle -- or any part of it -- is what you need.

As always, I'm wishing you a fabulous new school year, full of delightful surprises, revelations, and wonders!

Friday, August 10, 2018

All About ME - Cute Printable

All About Me!

Kids--and grown-ups--can't get enough of it!

Here's a cute new All About Me printable that kids will ooh and ahh over:
...for kids to draw in, and label things they love.

Of course, you'll differentiate!  Advanced kids can write sentences for each picture.  Lower-functioning or artistically-inclined kids can simply color designs or use color-blends throughout. 
Kids will draw or write about their favorite...
food, clothes, animals, sports, houses, places, books, movies, pets, colors, toys, etc.

Perfect for:
Back to School Unit
     Getting to know your students

Teaching parts of the body
Teaching about categories such as food, colors, animals, toys, books, places, and pets
Teaching how to label pictures using sounds you know and reference sources such as a word wall, picture dictionaries, or the computer
Want more cute borders?  There are 5 of 'em, and also a no-border option.

Enjoy ME!!!

And if you'd like another unbearably cute ice-breaker, try this unforgettable Start of the Year Craft Box:
As always, I'm wishing you a wonderful back to school -- and -- enough "All About ME" time to keep your own life in balance!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Back To School Teacher Sale

It's back to school--which means a Back to School Teacher's Mega-Sale!

 Back To School Teacher Sale - Renee Dawn

I've been teaching for over 20 years, and my shopping genes still go into overdrive when I see teaching resources on sale.  

I wouldn't dream of starting the year without being fully, fully prepared--for any and every possible event--which means I pour myself a cup 'o Joe, and crack this guide open... 
...and read it cover-to-cover like my life depends on it.  It does!
 Kindergaten Teacher Guide - Renee Dawn
Then I rummage through my treasure chest--my good ol' "Ultra-Bundle" of goodies--and start planning fun stuff to use from day one. Actually, I spend much of the first school day on rules and routines, but fun is a MUST in my world--even on day one!  A few brain breaks and callbacks will do the trick nicely.
 Kindergarten Teacher Ultra Bundle - Renee Dawn
My school district has four teacher observations a year, and they start on the third week of school.  I want to put my best foot forward--and feel calm and confident at it.  Is that too much to ask?  This neat package has everything I need for my best observation ever.  Say hello to happiness.
 The Perfect Lesson - Renee Dawn
But...(drum-roll) you know and I know (another drum-roll, please)... 
...that it all falls apart without great behavior management, so...here's my go-to, comprehensive kit:
 Behavior Management - Renee Dawn
...which includes this life-saver--aka my all-time favorite baby:
 Behavior Management with Humor - Renee Dawn
If you're a savvy shopper, please take a look at this Teacher Guide bundle.  It packs the biggest punch, with The Perfect Lesson, Behavior Management, and a Substitute Teacher Binder for the days you are absent (you want to return to a sane classroom, don't you?):
 Teacher Guide for a Great Classroom - Renee Dawn
Here's another resource that makes my mouth water (and my kids' mouths too!).  Can you say "cute and rigorous" in the same sentence?  Thank you very much.
And finally this little gem, because I couldn’t get to sleep without it—especially as our school days loom closer.  It’s my counting songs, which lull me to sleep when I play them ever so softly.  They’re great for calming for kids, too, and--as a side benefit--they're spot on for teaching counting.

Counting Songs - Relaxation and Behavior Management

Sweet dreams, and I’ll see you soon--after the back to school teacher's sale blows over.  If you're looking for me, I'll be there shopping, too!

As always, I'm wishing you a wonderful new year of school!