Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Top 10 Resolutions for Teachers

Happy New Year everybody!
Here are my Top 10 Resolutions for Teachers:
  1. Be happy!  You're a teacher.  You've just got to figure out how to custom-design it for you.
  2. Self-Improve!  Use mentors and the internet to learn and make your teaching life better than you can even imagine. 
  3. Behavior Management is king!  Treat it like royalty and everything else will fall into place.
  4. Organize!  Work smarter, not harder.  Prioritize what MUST get done, and delegate whenever possible--to parents, teacher teams, student teachers, and even kids.
  5. Get creative!  Teach your kids to see the world through fresh eyes, and personalize the thrill of learning.
  6. Beautify!  Check out your classroom's feng shui, or flow.  Improve your classroom's landscape.  Add eye-catching and inspirational posters and kids' art work--in 3D, hanging from ceilings and popping off walls.
  7. Smile!  If you were waiting for Christmas, go!  Smile--it's contagious--and even better, laugh more often.  You'll trigger endorphins and good will all around you.
  8. Move!  Don't just sit there.  Jog or dance while you read anchor charts, sight words, and chant math facts.  Extra points if you grab a weight vest or bar bells, too. 
  9. Get healthier!  Don't just teach, teach, teach; learn to eat, sleep, meditate, move, breathe, and think healthier.
  10.  Be grateful!  Ask non-teachers which job they wished for.  Sooo many say teacher!  You've got it.  Start a Gratefulness Diary.
Here's a gallery for your New Year's resolutions, dreams, goals, and plans:

 As always, I'm wishing you a wonderful, calm and confident, New Year!  And I'd love to know what you're adding to your top 10 list of resolutions for teachers so I can add some more to mine.