Saturday, June 6, 2015

5 Tips for Calm Kids at the End of the Year
1)        Use calming, hypnotic music during transitions, after lunch, and at the end of the day.  It sets a tone, and helps kids to focus and relax.

 Counting Songs for Behavior Management

2)      Chat like a human.  Don’t scold; tell the kids that you know it’s natural to get a little antsy at the end of the year, and that they can control it by telling themselves:  “Self—calm down!  Breathe deeply, count to 5.”
Catch kids doing something good, and note it with an enthusiastic flourish...and maybe a prize (like jumping up and down with silly faces).  Behavior Management Charts can be your best co-teacher.
 Behavior Management Callbacks get kids' instant attention, and cheerful response.

3)      Let kids release their energy: jump, dance, or stretch to music.
Sign up for GoNoodle and let the best-behaved kids choose which movement or mindfulness activity to do at select intervals during the day.

4)      Do high-interest activities:  Reading?  Read about bugs, super-heroes, or dinosaurs.  Math?  Don’t talk about 3D shapes, create a 3D shape!

 End of the Year Craft Box

5)      Remind kids: there are only [so few] days left, so let’s end on a good note!  Let’s share some of our best days ever, our hopes, and daydreams; and create some of our best new memories.

It’s almost over.  Make it as pleasant as possible!  

Above all, dramatically read but do not become...

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