Monday, August 21, 2017

10 Keys to Using Humor in Behavior Management

I LOVE using humor in behavior management!
Laughing shakes up our lymph system, and heals our body, mind and soul.  It strengthens the immune system, lowers our blood pressure and makes us more present and alert.  It’s empowering, rapport-building…AND I can tell you from experience, it’s one of the most powerful tools in your behavior management kit!

Here are ten keys to using humor responsibly:

1)      Safety first, then fun.  You can’t have humor in an out of control class.  That’s not funny.  It’s an accident waiting to happen.

2)      Teach school rules first—what’s expected and why—so everyone will be safe and happy.

3)      Keep humor in perspective.  Kids are in school to learn the common core subjects...and laugh.

4)      Humor should heal, not hurt.  It should never be sarcastic, cruel, cynical, aloof, embarrassing or disrespectful.
5)      Emphasize respectfulness—seeing others as they are and appreciating them as they are—and respectful humor.
6)      Know your kids.  You want your humor to speak to them personally in a warm and cozy way.
7)      Know yourself.  Introduce your humor gradually, at a comfortable pace that matches your style.
8)      Talk to your kids about mindfulness—being attuned to the priorities of the moment.  Humor should be mindful, or appropriate to the context.  You wouldn’t wear a red clown nose during a fire drill.
9)      Set up a stop signal.  It can be, “Give me 5-4-3-2-1,” with five fingers lowered in turn.  This is important to set boundaries or for emergencies.
10)    Relax and go with the flow.  Enjoy your kids, and the life you’re living!

I love a good laugh, and over the years I've collected hundreds of funny things to say and do that will get kids to behave--and enjoy life and learning.  That's heaven to me.  And also, Survival 101 in the classroom. 

I hope you'll share your favorite key or tip to using humor in behavior management in the comments below!

Now that it's all down on paper, I'm thrilled that I can share it with you.

Behavior Management with Humor is a mega-resource that teaches step-by-step skills for discipline—and then adds tools and strategies to make it FUN.

If you’d like a Behavior Management MEGA-Bundle—with School Rules, Behavior Management with Humor, Behavior Modification Game Charts, and Behavior Management Callbacks—it’s here.
I’m on a mission: to help you feel CALM and CONFIDENT—and ready to laugh—starting on your first day of school. 

As always, I'm wishing you all the best!


  1. I think number 6 is very big. Knowing them personally and having teachers in a personal level (through after school activities like sports) with students goes a long way!

  2. Thanks for your comment, saxonmath! I think that's why computers will never replace face-to-face teachers :) -- Renee
