Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mathphobic? Go Figure!

Are you a Mathphobic?

Go Figure with Scipi is a wonderful website, dedicated to “curing one mathphobic at a time.”

This month, Scipi (for Science-Pi, her nom de plume)  features ways to use dominoes to teach math concepts—not just adding the two sides but also multiplying, reading them as fractions, or laying them horizontally to read off the 2-digit number; or laying two dominoes side by side and reading off a 4-digit number, then rounding it off.  Fun!

Last month, Scipi wrote about the difference between drilling and practicing (a single math concept done thoroughly with tasks and experiences).  Yes, there’s a place for both—which is music to my ears, literally.    
My own “Rap Your Math” is a math drill in a song, which allows the teacher to change the verse daily according to the class needs.  My kids looove vamping to it—and yeah, sunglasses are optional, but...highly recommended.

Which brings me to the next point:

Scipi has a monthly feature on fellow teacher-preneurs.  She celebrates a teacher-seller from TeachersPayTeachers, revealing interesting facts about their personal and teaching life, and the resources they’ve created.

This month, I’m honored to be featured on the Go Figure website.  Take a look, and you’ll find out things I’ve not mentioned anywhere else.  

I’m thrilled to join Scipi in the cure against Mathphobics.  I hope you’ll join in the cure, too—and I'd love to see any positive observations or comments you might have at Go Figure with Scipi.   See you there!

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