Sunday, April 30, 2017

10 Signs You're a Creative Teacher

You live the educational Vida Loca—right? 

1)    You work crazy-long hours.

2)    Then you dream about teaching—or about dancing across your classroom tables to blasting music, or weird field trips, or an out-of-control class—followed, of course, by a surprise observation lesson.  You know you do!  Even if you don’t recall.

3)    You wake up in the middle of the night with brilliant ideas for differentiating your lessons.  You scribble down your ideas in the dark so every student will say, Wow!  That was amazing!

4)    You wade for hours through Pinterest, re-pinning gorgeous class décor and Earth-Day themed cupcakes.  You can tick off two dozen fb sites that are brimming with addictive teacher fun.

5)    You’re in forums with teachers from around the world—from “fly-in-only” Alaska to the Bahamas.  And a hidden corner of your brain wonders why you’re not teaching in the Bahamas. 

6)    You recycle old crafts, many times over.

7)    You carry two—or more—large tote bags, brimming with recycled, old crafts.

8)    You integrate academics, art and technology as easily as you breathe.

9)    You teach the whole child—mind, body, sprit, internet avatar, Kirlian aura, and future genius of an esoteric niche you clearly see.

10) You wear your creativity on your sleeve—and you have nothing like a poker face.  No---don’t even try.

    If you read this post you get a golden key...

Wear it proudly and make it look good. 
Do it for the home team--hey, that's us!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Teachers Pay Teachers Facebook: 7 Keys to a Great Lesson

If you go to TeachersPayTeachers on Facebook, and scroll down to April 18th, you'll see this:
It links to my featured post on the TeachersPayTeachers Blog.

Which links to my favorite resource, The Perfect Lesson - a Teacher Observation Guide, which will take you step by step through your best observation lesson ever.
But that's jumping ahead.  I'm back at Facebook.  I'm reading a heart-felt, heart-melting comment from a fan.  Full-stop.

That's what it's all about.  That's why I spend long hours revising and polishing my work.  

It's deeply satisfying to feel I've done well, but it's even more wonderful to feel I've done right by you, my readers, homies and fans.  I'm your fans, too.  Very much so.

Thank you for enjoying and appreciating my resources, and thank you for letting me know how much they've helped you.  I truly appreciate you, and just wanted to take a moment to let you know it!

Wishing you all the best,

Monday, April 17, 2017

TeachersPayTeachers Blog: 7 Keys to a Great Lesson

So excited!  I’m in the TeachersPayTeachers Blog!
Please take a look…like, pin, and share.
I HEART you!!!  My journey wouldn’t have been nearly as fun without you—and you know it.  

So, I’m throwing a party!

To celebrate, my entire store will be on sale, 20% off, for the next two days, through April 19.

WHAT???!!!  YES!!!

So if you’ve been on the fence about it, now is definitely the time.


So much product for the money! I HAD to buy this, and would gladly pay any price!
If you want a full-on master course, with a step-by-step, finely-detailed trip through The Perfect Lesson, please take a look. 

You’ll find tons of need-to-know facts, and boots on the ground, insider tips on how to pull it all together smoothly.

The Perfect Lesson includes checklists, charts, cheat-sheets, tips, class posters, lesson plans and lesson plan templates for an expert teacher evaluation in K – 5.
The Perfect Lesson Plan - r dawn teacher ink

Are you being observed?   No worries!  Keep my 1-page cheat sheet in your pocket and a smile on your face.  We’ll get through this together.
And thanks again for joining me on the trip!